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> LV installation, LV panels, battery back up system and vents detailed design for 25kV traction power substations 

> LV installations, LV panels, battery back up system and vents detailed design for 50kV traction power substations

> Protection systems and relay detailed design for 25kV traction power substations  

> Protection systems and relay detailed design for 50kV (2x25kV) traction power substations

> SCADA, central monitoring and controlling systems for 25kV traction systems

> SCADA, central monitoring and controlling systems for 50kV (2x25kV auto transformer) traction systems 

> Fire alarm and intrusion detection systems  

Ready for construction detailed design packages for the secondary side of typical AC traction power substations are implemented and listed here. IEC is a base line standard for these packages. Cross reference and identical index can also be provided to match specific standard requirements. Standard 25kV and 50kV (2x25kV) AC systems are the main focus. There is an executive summary for each one of the packages.   

>> Detailed design packages for secondary side of AC traction substations

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Executive summary  |

> Equipment in secondary side: 

> LV switchgears/panels for AC traction supply   

> Protection system for 25kV AC traction substations

> Protection system for 50kV (2x25kV auto transformer) AC traction substations

> SCADA and remote control center 

> LV backup system and battery chargers

> Equipment in primary side: 

> HV switchgears  

> Traction Power Transformers

> 25kV traction feeder switchgears

> 50kV (2x25kV auto transformer ) traction feeder switchgears

Based on general system configuration, typical power study outcomes and different conditional scenario, equipment used in standard AC traction power supplies are specified and sized. Standard 25kV and 50kV (2x25kV) AC systems are the main focus. There is an executive summary for each one of the packages.   

>> Equipment specifications and sizing report documents 

Executive summary  |

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Executive summary  |

> System requirements and standards packages for 25kV traction power supply 

> System requirements and standards packages for 50kV (2x25kV auto transformer) traction power supply

> Typical network circuit arrangement solutions for 25kV traction power supply

> Typical network circuit arrangement solutions for 50kV (2x25kV auto transformer) traction power supply  

> Single line diagrams and drawings for 25kV traction power supply

> Single line diagrams and drawings for 50kV (2x25 auto transformer) traction power supply

Every package and document required to seed and frame a robust operable fundamental for the AC traction power supply system is itemized here. Standard 25kV and 50kV (2x25kV) AC systems are the main focus. There is an executive summary for each one of the packages.   

> General system configuration packages

> Power study/load flow analysis packages

> Equipment specifications reports 

> Primary side detailed design packages

> Secondary side detailed design packages

Solutions for your needs to comprehensive engineered packages are listed here on offer. You can find studies, technical reports and detailed design drawings. There is an executive summary for every package.   

AC traction power supply solutions

>> General system configuration packages for AC traction supply

  Clean Energy on Move 

  Email:                 Mobile: (+1) 778 321 7073

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Executive summary  |

> Outdoor switchyard equipment layout design for 25kV traction power substations 

> Indoor equipment layout design for 25kV traction power substation

> Outdoor switchyard equipment layout design for 50kV (2x25kV auto transformer) traction power substations 

> Indoor equipment layout design for 50kV (2x25kV auto transformer) traction power substations

> Cabling and conduits detailed design internal connections for 25kV traction power substations 

> Cabling and conduits detailed design external connections for 25kV traction power substations

> Cabling and conduits detailed design internal connections 50kV (2x25kV auto transformer) traction power substations

> Cabling and conduits detailed design external connections 50kV (2x25kV  auto transformer) traction power substations 

> Substation building architectural detailed design for indoor 25kV traction power substations

> Substation building architectural detailed design for indoor 50kV (2x25kV auto transformer) traction power substations  

Ready for construction detailed design packages for primary side of typical AC traction power substations are implemented and listed here. IEC is a base line standard for these packages. Cross reference and identical index can also be provided to match specific standard requirements. Standard 25kV and 50kV (2x25kV) AC systems are the main focus. There is an executive summary for each one of the packages.   

>> Detailed design packages for primary side of AC traction substations

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> Flowcharts and algorithms for systematic modeling   

> Model based design data configuration spreadsheets

> Power quality assessment for 25kV traction power supply

> Power quality assessment for 50kV (2x25kV auto transformer ) traction power supply 

> General modeling and simulation study packages for 25kV traction system

> General modeling and simulation study packages for 50kV (2x25kV auto transformer) traction system

> Fault modeling and study for 25kV traction system

> Fault modeling and study for 50kV (2x25kV auto transformer) traction system

>> Power study/load flow analysis for AC traction supply

Different power study, load flow analysis, power quality assessment and fault study packages are prepared and listed here. They include algorithm spreadsheets, flowchart spreadsheet, full executing model, simulations and reports. Standard 25kV and 50kV (2x25kV) AC systems are the main focus. There is an executive summary for each one of the packages.   

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